BIGPAY E-Wallet Design
Redesigning the in app homepage of Bigpay
BigPay is a mobile payment app that was launched in 2018. As part of the AirAsia group of companies, BigPay aims to provide a better alternative to conventional banks. BigPay was lauded by Tony Fernandes with “one day this product will be worth more than AirAsia”.
Assessment of original design:
Clean, on point, slightly old, lack of options for the main functionalities on the main screen.
The task: Redesign home screen
My take:
Design needs to be clean, clean build confidence and trust.
Information Hierarchy needs slight adjustment.
The user need to see the tools he has at his disposal before he moves to anythingells.
First priority is to create a cleaner design which is elegant and can accommodate the different options the app provides. PAY, REQUEST, TOP UP, REWARD POINTS. These options will be placed right after the Wallet’s amount.
The section where the users’s requests are shown needed to be removed and will be moved to the Requests section, that way you will have space and to a degree will make you trust your users as well to know where to look for the requests history and not feel the need to guide or show them everything all the time.
The Friend request section is moved bellow the options panel and have been added a search option for user to be able to look for their friends. The information regarding invite and get RM10 is cut and can be moved to the follow up page, should the user decide to invite a friend.
Transaction History Section
This section can use the calendar option to navigate easier, throughout their use. By removing icons, i wanted to create more space and also not to feel like i am treating the user like an idiot, but someone who knows what the transactions are. Also added the search option to it, that will allow the user to filter through the transaction history, if they are looking for example, all the STARBUCKS transactions they used.